Three of Cups

14th - 23th June 2024

Exhibition by Alicja Mackiewicz, Milou van Vlijmen and Giovanni Pilato.

‘Three of Cups’ is a performative space starting in the Eleusinian Mysteries, a rite from ancient Greece, where the reunion of Demeter and Kore/Persephone is celebrated. In a collaborative working process we created works that reflect feminine presence with a contemporary awareness of the male and the queer. To achieve this, we step into the roles of the Host, the Mother and the Trivial. The exhibition developed in three overlapping stages like the three stages of the mysteries: re-enactments, display of sacred objects and stories of goddess adventures.

Persephone was there with us and she welcomed you at the door.


Demeter                  goddess of Fertility, mother of Persephone
                                 (doesn’t like talking topeople)

Persephone            daughter of Demeter, lady of the afterworld

Alicja                       the Host, the Mother, the Trivial

Giovanni                 the Trivial, the Host, the Mother

Milou                      the Mother, the Trivial, the Host

Nonspeaking Roles

The Orchid                  crew of naked men
The Lake
The Photograph         1
The Photograph         2,3,4,5,6
The Movie                   the fruit, the seed, the
The Chorus                 snakes
Servants                      pomegranate fruits
Attendants                  you