How to Build a House 2nd chapter -Windows and Doors

12 December 2024 - 22 January 2025

From September onwards, ( ) in the Mountain has been in residency at Off the Grid in Leuven, Belgium.

Within the con­text of our resi­d­en­cy at Off the Grid, we ask oursel­ves: When we look out­si­de the struc­tu­re of a home, what are we loo­king for?

Our prac­ti­ce what is often omit­ted, hid­den, or pus­hed asi­de, giving us and others a spa­ce for the qui­et, for all that often does not make its way to the fore­front. This time, we attempt to reflect on the occurrences within our living environment– the fleeting thoughts we have when we sit by a window, a door as a portal, and a window as a metaphor for vulnerability.

How to Build a House is an ongoing project that takes shape in a series of continuous exhibitions. The first installment titled Building a Foundation took place at our shared studio space in De Besturing, Den Haag. As a group of international artists living and working in The Netherlands, we wanted to explore what home could mean and how to build something for ourselves in a place far away from our ‘homes’. This time, we are shifting our foundation through the lens of what it means to be an artist in residence in a different city.

We warmly thanks Cas-co for making this exhibition possible, Jonas Dehen for production, Arthur Cordier for coordination, and Mirthe for curatorial support.

This exhibition is supported by Stroom Den Haag and Culture Moves Europe. This work is pro­du­ced with the finan­ci­al assis­tan­ce of the European Union. The views expres­sed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the offi­ci­al opi­ni­on of the European Union.

Photos Courtesy Cas-co and Jente Waerzeggers

Exhibition text by Arthur Cordier
Poster PDF