Hangout Spot

26 and 27th May 2023

Hangout spot is the result of a month-long residency of Anna Lesiczka, a dear friend and colleague of (    ) in the mountain.

Anna Lesiczka had approached us with the proposal of a project she is undertaking in her Fine Arts Master’s course in Stockholm, Sweden: A three-part project that takes place in Stockholm, where she is currently residing, Den Haag, where she used to study with as, and in her hometown in Poland.

It is a continuation / reprisal act of her final graduation work that she made for her studies in the KABK.

“ I keep thinking about all the dreams I left. They were standing next to each other. And the colorful carpets.

In the past, children in Poland used to hang out on a carpet hanger. Some still do it. I know from the stories and from the television. I haven’t really experienced it myself”.

The carpets and carpet hangers are references of cultural symbols related to the artist’s past, memories, and dreams. On May 26th and May 27th, 2023, the space was transformed into a hangout spot.