How to Build a House

A teacup, a forgotten corner, the creaking floor.

(     ) in the Mountain presents ‘How to build a house’, our first collective exhibition that takes form in continuous events where we explore the idea of security, collective activities, and individual activities within our group. Within this first step, we will ‘Lay a Foundation’, where we will clear the floor, and explore the foundations of a home through the past, what is in the air, as well as our dreams.

This exhibition is kindly supported by Stroom Den Haag.

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6th - 8th of October, 2023
At our space in Saturnusstraat 89, 2516AG, Den Haag

Photography by Boris Windmeijer

Image 1: Untitled, by Kiara Amartya and Ground (of soil and ash), by Hana Spillerová

Image 2, 3: Love Conquers All, by Alicja Mackiewicz

Image 4: Ground (of soil and ash), by Hana Spillerová

Image 5, 6: A Dance for a Piece of Floor, by Jeremi Biziuk

Image 7: A summer like that would never happen again, by Mina Yee

Image 8: Tea Set, by Yan-Bing Wu

Image 9: Untitled, by Kiara Amartya